"Letter from Representative Burdick to Martin Cross Responding to Cross" by Usher Burdick


Usher Burdick



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This letter, dated December 31, 1951, from United States (US) Senator Usher Burdick to Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Chairperson Martin Cross acknowledges Cross's communication (presumably the telegram of December 29 inquiring about US Public Law 843 and US House Resolution 8411). Burdick says that he will provide an opinion in a couple of days.

See also:

Telegram from Martin Cross to Representative Burdick Regarding US Public Law 843, December 29, 1951

Date of Work



Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, US Public Law 843, PL-843, US House Resolution 8411, H. R. 8411, per capita payments

Organizations Referenced

Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish

People Referenced

Usher Burdick, Martin Cross

Letter from Representative Burdick to Martin Cross Responding to Cross's December 29 Telegram, December 31, 1951
