"Report Concerning Tribal Delegation to Washington, December 16-22 from" by James E. Curry


James E. Curry



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This report, dated December 23, 1951, sent from Three Affiliated Tribes attorney James E. Curry to United States (US) Representative Usher Burdick, is a summary of conferences and other activities from a recent trip to Washington, D.C. by a delegation from the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Forth Berthold Reservation. The enclosed report is addressed to the Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council. The delegation was in Washington, D.C. from December 16-22. The report is preceded by a memo from Curry to Burdick, dated December 24, 1951.

The report is broken down into sections labeled: General; Oil Revenue Rights--General; Oil Rights in the Allotments Made Under the Act of 1920; Oil Revenue from School Lands; Oil Revenue from Lands Reserved for Agency, School, and Religious Purposes; Oil Revenues from 'Fourteen Townships'; Possible Additional Oil Leases; Personnel Matters; Claims; Technical Amendment to the Tribal Constitution; Delegation of Power to Acquire Land; General Constitutional Amendments; Enrollment; Land Acquisition; Relocation; National Congress of American Indians; Ford Foundation; Per Capita Payments; Voluntary Withdrawal; Timber, and Funds.

Date of Work



Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Council, Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council, delegation, Washington D.C., oil rights, mineral rights, allotments, revenue, enrollment, schools, land, land rights, land acquisition, relocation, claims, tribal constitution, amendment, National Congress of American Indians, per capita payments, Ford Foundation, timber

Organizations Referenced

Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Council, Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council, National Congress of American Indians, US Bureau of Indian Affairs

People Referenced

Usher Burdick, Martin Cross, James E. Curry, Ben Youngbird, George Gillette, Sam Matthews, Carl Whitman Jr., Graham Holmes

Report Concerning Tribal Delegation to Washington, December 16-22 from James E. Curry to Representative Burdick, December 23, 1951
