"A Postcard of Bachelor House - University of North Dakota" by University of North Dakota


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Date of Work

Circa 1930s

Identification #

UAP 23059


Bachelor House on the banks of the English Coulee. The house was originally built in 1910 as the home of the Varsity Bachelor Club. It was the first chapter house built and owned by any fraternity at the University of North Dakota. In 1913 the club obtained a charter from Phi Delta Theta. During WWI their house was used as an Army Headquarters and converted into a hospital during the 1918 influenza epidemic. Members of Phi Delta Theta continued to live in Bachelor House until 1979 when the University purchased it. The building was renamed Gustafson Hall and became the Center for Continuing Education.


English Coulee; Person; Trees; Powerlines; Bachelor House; Chimneys; Varsity Bachelor Club; Phi Delta Theta; Coulees; Trees; College buildings; Chimneys; Stairs; Windows; Electric lines - Poles and towers

Places Depicted

North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota; North Dakota--English Coulee (N.D.)

Organizations Depicted

University of North Dakota; Varsity Bachelors Club (University of North Dakota)


Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota

