
Date of Work
Identification #
OGL 198-2631
The entrance of the Chester Fritz Auditorium from the English Coulee in 1977. The Chester Fritz Auditorium is located west of the English Coulee and on the south side of University Avenue. The auditorium, which UND uses for many types of entertainment, can seat up to 2400 people. The ground breaking for the auditorium was on June 26, 1970, with the first concert: The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonic Choir on October 12, 1972. The funding for the Auditorium came from three sources: One million from UND Benefactor, Chester Fritz, one million from the State of North Dakota, and one million from private donations. (Information from Chester Fritz Auditorium Finding Aid).
Chester Fritz Auditorium; Auditoriums; Trees; Automobiles; Architecture; Landscape; Lampposts; Grasses
Places Depicted
North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota
Organizations Depicted
University of North Dakota; Chester Fritz Auditorium (University of North Dakota)
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota