"A Study of Student Attitudes Towards Smoking" by Department of Anthropology and Sociology

Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date



The contents of this volume constitutes the final report of research findings of a project designed to investigate the smoking behavior, plus the attitudes and beliefs about smoking and its effects, of the student body of the University of North Dakota. The study was sponsored by the Cancer Research Division of the U. S. Public Health Service.

The study was the result of an idea initiated by the University of North Dakota Pan Hellenic organization. This organization wit the assistance of George Starcher, President of the University contacted the U. S. Public Health Service to investigate the possibility of starting an informational program on campus related to smoking. Miss Cherry Tsutsumida of the Public Health Service visited the campus and after conferring with a number of the various Pan Hellenic members persuaded Dr. Lawrence N. Moyer, Chairman of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology to undertake a study of the changes in student attitudes and beliefs which might occur following student exposure to an information program such as the Pan Hellenic had suggested.

This report is the culmination of the above events.
