Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership


The goal of this research was to identify theories and describe characteristics of learning styles, assess characteristics of freshman students at Red River High School using data from the CAPSOL (Computerized Assessment and Prescription Styles of Learning) Style of Learning Assessment, MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Scores, GPA (Grade Point Average), and North Dakota STARS (State Automated Reporting System), and justify a pedagogical and philosophical change in instruction to adapt instructional strategies to match and strengthen students' learning styles.

The research investigated the relationships between learning style scale scores, GPA, gender, RIT (Rasch Unit) Scores, and socioeconomic factors. This study focused on the 307 freshman students enrolled in the required Physical Science I class during the 2007 fall semester. Of the 307 freshman, 273 (88.93%) were accessible as subjects. The raw data from the completed CAPSOL instruments were entered into SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). A frequency summary was calculated of the percentages scores of each sub scale.

Results. From the CAPSOL data, this researcher found a normal bell-curve distribution of the nine learning style scale scores. Gender and Learning Styles: No significant differences were found in: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, individual, or group learning styles. Boys scored higher than girls on oral learning styles, while girls scored higher than boys on written, sequential, and global learning styles. Socioeconomic Factor of Free/Reduced Lunch or Not: No significant differences were found. GPA & RIT Scores: The mean score for GPA was 3.07/4.00 scale. This group scored above the national average on RIT Reading, Language Usage, and Math. GPA & Learning Styles Relationship: A significant positive relationship was identified between: visual, individual, written expressive, and sequential. A significant negative relationship was identified between: group, auditory, kinesthetic, and global. Relationship between Learning Styles & RIT Reading: Students with high visual scores had higher RIT Reading scores. Relationship between Learning Styles & RIT Language Usage: Students with high visual scores had higher RIT Language Usage scores. Relationship between Learning Styles & RIT Math: Students with high visual scores had higher RIT Math scores, and students with high global scores had lower RIT Math scores.

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Psychology Commons
