Date of Award
December 2024
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Educational Leadership
First Advisor
Deborah Worley
In this study, I address the critical need for Indigenous approaches to program evaluation with an emphasis on cultural professional development (PD) programming.
I choose an Indigenous approach to program evaluation via the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) Indigenous Evaluation (IE) Framework that I modified to include educational and academic terminology to develop a cultural evaluation tool: the Cultural Competency Checklist. The Cultural Competency Checklist was embedded within cultural PD program design to illustrate a cultural learning process to produce IE. The Cultural Competency Checklist, utilized as a cultural evaluation tool shifts and reframes the westernized program evaluation process to produce IE.
As a result, I created the Cultural Competency Program Module (CCPM) as an implementation of solution. This module is a guide for education and academic organizations to implement and evaluate cultural programming accurately and effectively via cultural program design that is inclusive of an Indigenous approach to program evaluation to produce IE from inception of program creation.
Recommended Citation
Denault, Erica Marie, "An Indigenous Approach To Professional Development Program Evaluation For PK–12 Educators" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 6525.