
In Eui Oh

Date of Award


Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Healthcare-associated infections (HAis) are significant problems to our nation since these are n1ajor causes of n1orbidity and mortality and these produce both financial and medical burden. Good hand hygiene is one of the most effective measures for preventing healthcareassociated infections (HAls); however, hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers is poor. An1ong 1nany strategies to in1prove hand hygiene behavior in healthcare workers, this paper reviews current I iterature on hand hygiene and introduces the Positive Deviance (PD) 1nethod to achieve high hand hygiene compliance and i1nprove hand hygiene behaviors

Existing literatures and guidelines on hand hygiene and PD are synthesized, and benefits and li1nitations of a PD approach toward improving hand hygiene are described. The PD method was introduced to healthcare workers in a local comn11mity-teaching hospital and brochures on PD and hand hygiene were provided

PD is a method that finds ' what works' in existing organizations that demonstrate exceptional positive perfonnance. It is a social and behavior change model and it has potential to create organizational change in hand hygiene practice where both behavioral and attitudinal changes are needed. Using PD can benefit for identifying and disseminating best practices within the con1n1tmity. It involves 1nultimodal strategies that are effective in hand hygiene improven1ent. However, n1ore research is needed in order to evaluate the efficacy of this strategy for in1proving hand hygiene practice among health care workers
