Literature Review for Outpatient Ostomy Clinic

Lisa Drury


A literature review was conducted regarding the importance of outpatient ostomy clinics for new ostomates. Currently, in the rural setting the author is employed at, there is inpatient care available for ostomates; once the patient is discharged from the inpatient setting, access to outpatient ostomy care is limited.

Using CINAHL and SCOPUS data bases; it was noted that there was very little research conducted on outpatient ostomy clinics for the period of2009 to present. From the journal articles utilized for this paper, follow up outpatient ostomy care by a Wound, Ostomy Continence Nurse (WOCN) and education for the ostomate, caregivers and staff were emphasized

Educational materials were developed for those patients with ostornies. The materials developed include a PowerPoint (PPT) and an informational brochure for ostomates and their caregivers. There was also a PPT developed for staff education. Staff education was conducted at the author's current employer at the Wound and Hyperbaric Outpatient Clinic in a rural community setting in Kentucky