Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Energy Engineering

First Advisor

Olusegun Tomomewo


Global warming is one of the most widely debated issues on the planet. Growing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are responsible for global warming but not just as a result of human activity. Nonetheless, human activity has a significant impact on the rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. International bodies are worried; as a result, the world's CO2 reduction options are being investigated. CO2 storage in suitable geological strata under the earth is believed to be one of the most viable options. The purpose of this research is to set the framework for evaluating the characteristics of an ideal oil reservoir appropriate for the storage of CO2. Hence, a set of injection criteria is provided for presently depleted, producing, and dormant reservoirs. The depth of the reservoir, its storage capacity, the amount of water and oil in situ, the permeability and formation thickness are all evaluated. Notably, the effect of CO2 injection on reservoir features, particularly the quantifying of the fault movement and induced fractures into the analysis. It is proved that evaluating suitable sites solely on the basis of CO2 density with depth is not sufficient, it is necessary to examine the porosity and the quantity of water and oil that can be displaced. The end result is a criterion table that can be used to quickly filter candidate reservoirs. Eclipse and VISAGE, a Schlumberger program, was used to verify the stated possibilities and results.
