Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Chemical Engineering


*am l sigaifloanoe weight of chi the determination of the 'K>ee of this iitveatig&tioa teqptva&ttl*f source {sioeo}, nolsture contest, an? ema eae Mpis* f*i£i wflk \piBa4. w1 animation yield factors, using a design vith replication. bmpdrica' &3«rlsje:ntal rjsfr yield factors xmr® to be devolopec erature ana iipMTtt ocr^eexsaon* five nor©nan « lignites v ore carbonised at five toaperatur© and 1,000* C , at five aoisturc contents;, and € chare®. of variance indicated significance of nines, equations for predict os functions of testx3 Greet Plains I’rorino levels tot ween 500* using five veiishbs o carbonisation tossperature, fltid weight of chare© at confidence interval for yields of char, t product gas. neither sxaisture ccntont no at Us© 95 percent confidence interval. Multiple regress Ices equations for predicting aevaa differed factors of carbonisation yields were developed using an XBK' 1620 ©comended for predicting carbaoi^ati on yiel & 99 percent 1 plus light dll, and replication \mre sign!] cant ©Brouter, Equation-: of northern Great 1 tesla aroi Char yield 3 -■’r-rri&co: lignites, ■k ~ 0.0951 (t, *e) 530 (f»c«) - k* n am ».&.£ V* $ /n \ in® /

Pstoduct flu yiaic - 1.59 ♦ 0,0393 <*, *c) - o.oooon> (s, *c f rn 26.9 - 0.03F0 <5, *C) ♦ 0.00001$ ♦ 0.000668 (Bttt - 11,700) * 0.0369 (C/fc-f
