Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Education, Health & Behavior Studies


The purpose of this study was to determine the difference, if any, in the retention of strength obtained by talcing part in a weight-traiaiag program of exercises a® opposed to a program of isometric exercises.

The subjects selected for this study were freshman and sophomore male students at the University of North Dakota enrolled in the required physical education program. This selection was a random choice of one weight-training class and one isometric class. Both groups participated in their respective exercise programs for a period off eight weeks. At the end of the eight week training period, they participated in unrelated activities consisting of three weeks of slow-pitch softball and three weeks of golf.

Each group was tested relative to strength on four test items consisting of shoulder dip®, back strength, leg strength, and forearm strength. These test items were administered at the beginning of the experimental period, after the eight weeks of training, and at the end of the six weeks of unrelated activity.

Comparisons wars mad* between the mean differences within each group on each test item as indicated by the pre-test and and the re-t«t and final teat, Tha null hypothesis was assumed with respect to the <4J.fferooc.ce within group** This hypothesis was tested with the "t” technique for the difference between means derived frcr correlated score® from small staples. Comparisons were also made between the weight-training group and isometric group by testing the significance of the difference between the ®ean differences found within the groups.. The between group comparison used the Mt*' technique for uneorreleted data from small sample®.

Based m the MKlti of this study* it seemed apparent that there were some differences in the retention of strength on feet items within the groups. However* the treatment of the date with respect to the differences between the two groups indicated no significant difference at the .01 level of confidence,
