Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Education, Health & Behavior Studies


The purposes of this study have been to determine the status of class "A” high school ice hockey in North Dakota, and to investigate problems which prevent many schools from introducing a hookey program.

Questionnaires were sent to thirty-three olass "A” high schools in North Dakota. A review of literature involved a presentation of the development of iee hockey to its present status, and ice hockey*s historical development in North Dakota class "A” high schools.

Major conclusions indicated that nine, or twenty- seven percent, of the schools participated in loe hockey on an Interscholas tic basis in 1964-65. Three schools plan to add hockey to their interscholastic programs within the next one to four years. A greater number of qualified coaches and extensive park-board programs could increase the number of schools now participating in ice hookey, as well as improve the caliber of the high school player.

Recommendations were made to sohools who might desire to introduce ice hockey into their athletic programs, and to interest more schools in conducting ice hookey programs, These recommendations included! (1) hiring a competent, enthusiastic coach; (2) procuring a minimum list of materials necessary to ioe a presentable team; (3) sponsoring and conducting of clinics by the North Central High School Hookey League and other interested organisations; Uj.) publicising of the hockey program by coaohes; (5) creating an awareness on the part of the community, parents, school administrators, and coaches of the needs of the students including a program of high school lee hockey.
