
Neil C. Boyd

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology & Public Health Education


The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in fitness levels shown among a Control Group and two Experimental Groups over a two year period. The Control Group consisted of seventy-two boys not taking instructional physical education or participating in any athletics. Experimental Group I consisted of one hundred subjects taking the regular physical education classes; Experimental Group II, of forty-eight subjects involved in a year round athletic program in addition to the regular physical education classes.

Pre and post test comparisons were made on the seven items of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Youth Fitness Test.

The null hypothesis was assumed with respect to the differences of means between groups. To determine if a significant difference existed, the analysis of covariance was used. Scheffe's test for multiple comparisons determined between which groups significance was found.

The conclusions indicated by this study were:

1. Participation in programs of interscholastic athletics or required physical education may improve an individual's physical fitness level. Between group comparisons revealed that the athletic group improved significantly more than did the Control Group on all parts of the physical fitness test.

2. The Physical Education Group changed significantly more than did the Control Group in five of the seven test items.

3. The Athletic Group changed significantly more than did the Physical Education Group in five of the seven test items.
