Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Kinesiology & Public Health Education


The purpose of the study was to describe the personality characteristics of coaches as measured by the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey. Of a population of approximately eighty coaches in attendance at the 1970 University of North Dakota Football Clinic, nineteen coaches volunteered to participate in the study.

Each individual's ten raw scores were grouped and added in order that the mean for each variable could be computed and recorded on the standard profile chart designed by Guilford and Zimmerman. The raw scores could then be interpolated into a. percentile score when recorded on the personality profile chart.

It was found that three variables--general activity, emotional stability, and masculinity--resulted in mean scores which were around the seventieth percentile rank. Ambition, energy, and general activity were tendencies possessed by the coaches tested. The relatively high percentile score also indicates optimism and cheerfulness. These men can also be expected to behave in ways characteristic of men.

Three other variables—ascendance, sociability, and personal relations—represented scores in the upper fiftieth percentile range. These traits indicate that leadership and social activity habits were characteristic of the coaches tested.

The following variables--restraint, objectivity, friendliness, and thoughtfulness--represented scores which ranked at the fiftieth percentile. A score at or near the fiftieth percentile indicates the mean or average when compared to the norm group on the scale.
