Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership


Problem: This study examined the academic preparation, teaching assignments, and selected elements of employment of all 673 public secondary social studies teachers in the state of North Dakota for the academic year 1969-1970.

Method: There were 9 academic variables considered in the preparation of the social studies teacher: United States history, world history, American government, problems of democracy, economics, international relations, sociology, psychology, and geography. The examination of the preparation included the source of the highest degree earned and the distribution of degrees by accreditation levels and sex. Teaching assignments within and outside of the social studies fields were also examined.

The elements concerning employment were: sex, age, teaching experience, terms of employment, length of contract, and the type of certification of the social studies teachers.The statistics used to examine the academic preparation were the mean, standard deviation, multivariate analysis of variance, univariate analysis of variance, and Scheffe's test for multiple comparisons. Means and standard deviations were established for semester hours of preparation for all social studies teachers and Scheffe's test was used to determine significant differences in the mean hours of preparation according to accrediation levels established by the State Department of Public Instruction.

Findings: The mean hours of academic preparation in social studies for all social studies teachers was 43.11. The economics teachers' mean of 95.85 hours was greatest in terms of credit earned in social studies. The world history teacher's mean of 13.87 hours of credit earned in world history was highest in terms of the mean hours of credit earned in the course taught.

The mean hours earned in social studies was significantly higher for teachers in 1-A schools than for teachers in 2-A, 3-A, or non-accredited schools. The teachers in 1-A schools had significantly higher mean hours preparation in specific courses than teachers in other levels. They were significantly higher in world history preparation than 2-A teacehrs, and significantly higher in United States history, world history, and problems of democracy than 3-A teachers. All other comparisons made with the mean hours of preparation were not significant.

The mean number of assignments within the filed of social studies was 3.83 for 1-A teachers and 1.96 for teachers in non-accredited schools. Social studies teachers in 1-A schools were more apt to be assigned in their field than teachers in other levels.

All social studies teachers had a 4 year degree with the men tending to hold the higher degrees and the greater percentage of teachers holding the higher degrees were employed in 1-A schools. Valley City State College granted most of the degrees with 125, or 18.50 per cent.

There were 11 social studies teachers who had certificates other than First Grade Professional. There were 10 emergency and 1 P-2, or second grade certificate.

There were 70 contracts for other than 9 months and 8 part-time teachers. Neither employment nor contract periods followed a pattern by accreditation levels.

Recommendations: The significant differences in preparation between social studies teachers in 1-A schools and other levels suggest that the minimal accreditation and certification standards should be raised to protect the students in the lower level schools.

There is a need to identify the characteristics and preparation of those North Dakota public secondary school social studies teachers who are highly rated by their students, fellow teachers, administrators, and the public.
