Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership


Problem: The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes underlying the unsuccessful professional laboratory experiences of student teachers at Saint Cloud State College. Two problems of a specific nature were scrutinized in this study:

1. What were the reasons that made student teachers ineffective in their student teaching experiences at Satin Cloud State College, furthermore, what limitations did personality factors place on student performance?

2. Which, if any, of the selection criteria could identify the potentially unsuccessful student teachers.

Method: This investigation was primarily a study of records and evaluations of those people who were admitted to teacher education and were actually assigned to a student teaching center. This information was used in context with the latest writings in the preparation of future teachers.

Two methods were employed in this study: (1) examination of the records and case histories of successful and unsuccessful student teachers (2) a comparison was made between data provided by Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire and College Supervisor's comments and judgments. Specific questions to be answered included:

1. Are there personality traits that differentiate between unsuccessful and successful teacher education students?

2. How should these traits best be identified in selecting candidates?

Findings: Each of the separate methods of investigation in this study offered some answers and insights into the specific questions stated in this study. Several conclusions appeared evident:

1. Selection was considered to be of paramount concern if preparation was to result in the kind of teacher considered desirable.

2. Selection criteria should be manifold. Personality factors; communication ability, both spoken and written; physical and mental health; emotional stability; as well as academic ability and achievement.

3. Preparation of teachers was a two-fold process involving sound pedogogical basis and guided laboratory experiences.

4. Unsuccessful student teachers displayed deficiencies in communication ability, planning and organizational ability along with personality inadequacies that limited them in their relationship with other people.

The selection process as practiced at Saint Cloud State College is noticeably lacking in identifying the potentially unsuccessful student teacher. The opinion of the college supervisor is placed in the position of functioning as one of the selection factors.

Recommendations: The use of written communication ability determining procedures should be employed as an initial step in selecting candidates for teacher education.

A personality testing instrument such as the 16 P.F. should be employed to help identify defects that could limit the candidate as a teacher.

A selection board should be constituted to review the candidates's academic qualifications as well as the results of the personality test. This same group should act as an interviewing body holding final decision as to admission or rejection of the candidate based upon all the available evidence.
