
Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session




Vowel Nasality in Sudanese by Ron Trail, abstracted from Robins, R. H. 1957. "Vowel Nasality in Sudanese, A Phonological and Grammatical Study." Studies in Linguistic Analysis, J.R. Firth ed. London: The Philological Society, 87-103.

Style in Huichol by Nancy Freiberger, abstracted from Grimes, Joseph E. 1955. "Style in Huichol Structure," Language 31.31-35.

Trique Tone by Richard Bergman, abstracted from Longacre, Robert E. 1952. "Five Phonemic Pitch Levels in Trique," Acta Linguistica 7.62-82.

Tonme Representation in Mazatec Orthography by Ron Trail, abstracted from Gudschinsky, Sarah. 1959. "Toneme Representation in Mazatec Orthography," Word, 15.446-52.

Totonac Verb Inflection by Kenneth D. Smith, abstracted from Aschmann, Herman, and Wonderly, William L. 1952. "Affixes and Implicit Categories in Totonac Verb Inflections," IJAL 18.130-45.

Have as a Function Word by Jean Haggar, abstracted from Fries, Charles C. 1948. "Have as a Function Word," Language Learning, 1.3,4-8.

Bella Coola Phonology by Margie Griffin, abstracted from Newman, Stanley, 1947. "Bella Coola I: Phonology," IJAL 13.129-34.

Old High German Umlaut by Elwood Jacobson, abstracted from Twaddell, W. Freeman. 1938. "A Note on Old High German Umlaut," Monatshefte für deutschen Unterricht, 30:177-81. Reprinted in Readings in Linguistics, edited by Martin Joos, 1958. Washington: American Council of Learned Societies, 85-87.

The Phonemic Principle by Nancy Freiberger, abstracted from Swadesh, Morris, 1934. "The Phonemic Principle," Language 10.117-29. Reprinted in Readings in Linguistics, edited by Martin Joos. 1958. Washington: American Council of Learned Societies, 1957, 32-37.

Meaning and Dictionary Making by Nancy Freiberger, abstracted from Nida, Eugene A. 1958. "Analysis of Meaning and Dictionary Making," IJAL 24.279-92.

Mazateco Whistle Speech by Nancy Freiberger, abstracted from Cowan, George M. 1948. "Mazateco Whistle Speech," Language 24.280-86.

Voiceless Vowels in Comanche by Bob Beadle, abstracted from Canonge, Elliot D. 1957. "Voiceless Vowels in Comanche," IJAL, 23.63-67.

Noun Possession in Villa Alta Zapotec by Gwen Young, abstracted from Mary Leal and Otis Leal, 1954. "Noun Possession in Villa Alta Zapotec," IJAL 20.215-216.

Sound Patterns by Richard Bergman, abstracted from Sapir, Edward. 1925. "Sound Patterns in Language." Language, 1.37-51.

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