
Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session




From the introduction: "In this paper, I will consider various clause types in Huastec which are, in some sense, reflexive; this includes ordinary reflexives, which involve coreference, as well as other clauses. Two mutually exclusive morphosyntactic devices are used for reflexives in Huastec: reflexive pronouns, and verbal morphology: in this way, Huastec is like various European languages, including Spanish, Italian, Albanian, and Russian. Clauses involving reflexive pronouns are considered in Section 3, while those involving reflexive verbal morphology are considered in Section 4.

"The analysis presented here adopts the frameworks of Relational Grammar (RG) and Arc Pair Grammar (APG)."


This article is drawn from a chapter in the author's thesis, titled Basic clause structure in Veracruz Huastec, which can be found here.

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