Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session
Front Matter
The sentence and sentence particles in Sara
Sandy Banasik
It all started with linguistics, but it's the finish of me
Elliott Canonge
Tone sandhi and rule ordering in Peñoles Mixtec
John P. Daly
Paradigms for pedagogical purposes
Jannette Forster
The relationships between language and reading
Patricia Frantz
Reduplication and anomalous rule ordering in Copala Trique
Barbara E. Hollenbach
Three possible diffused words in Amerindian languages
Barbara E. Hollenbach
Relational paradigms
Barbara E. Hollenbach
A critique of some tone universals proposed by Woo
Barbara E. Hollenbach
Interpropositional relationships
Bruce E. Hollenbach
Categories of verbal ideas and case relations
Bruce E. Hollenbach
Tree and string analysis of a Copala Trique sentence
Bruce E. Hollenbach and David D. Thomas
Causative -pa- in Minamanwa
Jeanne Miller
Mamanwa paragraphs
Helen W. Miller and Jeanne Miller
Elephants in glass houses: Aesop revisited
David D. Thomas
Chafing at anti-allomorphs
David D. Thomas
A tentative decimal classification for New Guinea languages
David D. Thomas
Five dimensions of sentence description
David D. Thomas
Some thoughts on language philosophy and structure
David D. Thomas
Roles in Canamarí verbs
Barbara Wiebe
A communications model of culture contact
James A. Yost