"A phonological reconstruction of Proto Central North Bahnaric" by Kenneth D. Smith

Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session




From the introduction: "Because of unresolved phonological problems in Sedang phonemics (Smith, 1967a) and the need to clarify them before literacy materials could be prepared, the author undertook a study of Sedang dialects (1967b, 1967c). Though the phonological problems were resolved in this latter study, other problems became evident in the relations between Kontum languages. The present study was undertaken in an attempt to understand more fully the relationships between these languages. The study also complements similar studies in other areas of Viet Nam; namely: Proto-East-Katuic (D. M. Thomas, 1967), Proto-Mnong (Blood, 1966); and Proto-Chamic, a Malayo-Polynesian language (Lee, 1966)."

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