Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)


Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Mark Romanick


Collateral Ligaments -- injuries; Knee Injuries -- rehabilitation; Case Reports


Background and Purpose: This is a case report that looks at the examination, evaluation, and treatment of a medial collateral ligament (MCL) sprain in a high school football player.

Case Description: The patient presented with pain in his left knee one day after playing in a high school football game. It was found that he had a grade II MCL sprain with possible medial meniscal involvement.

Outcomes: The patient was able to fully return to his sport by the end of 8 treatment sessions over the course of 5 weeks. He met all of the goals set by the therapist and himself.

Discussion: The amount of time between injury and return to sport was relatively short since he was able to return to the same season of the sport. The treatment techniques used may be correlated to his ability to return to the sport. More research should be done in the area of specific interventions for treating the MCL and surrounding tissues.
