Submissions from 2025
Analyzing Drone Sightings Near Airports, Prasad Pothana
Submissions from 2024
Nanoparticles in Drilling Fluids: A Review of Types, Mechanisms, Applications, and Future Prospects, Vasanth Gokapai, Prasad Pothana, and Kegang Ling
Effect of Grain Contact Elastic Properties of Unconsolidated Sandstones Under Confining Stress: Insights from Discrete Element Method, Prasad Pothana, Fernando E. Garcia, and Kegang Ling
Integrated Petrophysical Evaluation and Rock Physics Modeling of Broom Creek Deep Saline Aquifer for Geological CO2 Storage, Prasad Pothana, Ghoulem Ifrene, and Kegang Ling
Polyaxial Stress-Dependent Tensorial Permeability Variations of a Columnar Jointed Rock Mass: Insights from 3D Distinct Element Method, Prasad Pothana, Vamegh Rasouli, and Kegang Ling
Submissions from 2023
Evaluation of Liquid Loading in Gas Wells Using Machine Learning, Abderraouf Chemmakh, Olusegun Stanley Tomomewo, Kegang Ling, and Ahmed Shammari
Design and Performance Analysis of Dry Gas Fishbone Wells for Lower Carbon Footprint, Habib Ouadi, Aimen Laalam, Amjed Hassan, Abderraouf Chemmakh, Vamegh Rasouli, and Mohamed Mahmoud
Applications of Underbalanced Fishbone Drilling for Improved Recovery and Reduced Carbon Footprint in Unconventional Plays, Habib Ouadi, Siamak Mishani, and Vamegh Rasouli
Stress-Dependent Petrophysical Properties of the Bakken Unconventional Petroleum System: Insights from Elastic Wave Velocities and Permeability Measurements, Prasad Pothana, Ghoulem Ifrene, and Kegang Ling
Books from 2022
Statistical Analysis of the Petrophysical Properties of the Bakken Petroleum System, Aimen Laalam, Habib Ouadi, Ahmed Merzoug, Abderraouf Chemmakh, Aldjia Boualam, Sofiane Djezzar, Ilyas Mellal, and Meriem Djoudi