Date of Award


Document Type

Scholarly Project

Degree Name

Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Janet S. Jedlicka


Activities of Daily Living; Outcome Assessment (Health Care); Upper Extremity -- injuries


The disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) quick form is a selfadministered patient perception questionnaire used to measure upper extremity disability and symptoms. The Quick DASH (QD) gauges the patient’s difficulty with task performance when impacted by an upper extremity injury. The Role Checklist: Version 2 (RC-V2) is a self-administered, patient perception that focuses mainly on the individual’s daily life roles, role competence, performance, and interest in performing those roles (Scott, 2013). The purpose of this study was to determine which of these assessments best measured progress of occupational therapy interventions for patients who sustained a traumatic upper extremity injury.

Methods: 15 patients who were diagnosed with traumatic upper extremity injury were given the QuickDASH questionnaire and the RC-V2 in a pretest, posttest design. During the research process, three participants did not complete the post-test assessments and were dropped from the study. The assessments were administered to each patient pre and post occupational therapy interventions over a 14-week period, or until the end of the patient’s therapy. Finally, four questions at the end of the survey represent life situations that may have influenced the patient’s answers in the previous sections. Alpha level .10 was used to determine significance due to small sample size.

Results: Analysis of data for 12 patients was sorted by comparing high initial severity and low initial severity based on the QD with the pre-test and post-test scores of the RC-V2. There was a significant increase in role scores for student from pre to post.

Further analysis comparing high and low initial severity with health barriers identified on the RC-V2 also showed mixed changes in scores from pre to post test (figure 2). Change in life or health scores showed little increase, especially those with more severe injury before start of intervention.
