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This study investigates the impact of varying density, x location, and Mach number on key aerodynamic parameters of a ramjet inlet spike. Density plays a crucial role in equations for Reynolds number, boundary layer thickness, shear stress, coefficient of friction, and coefficient of drag. By keeping all other variables constant and increasing density, an increase in Reynolds number, a decrease in boundary layer thickness, and a decrease in the coefficient of drag was observed. Additionally, the x location along the ramjet inlet spike was analyzed to determine its effects on these parameters. With an increase in x, Reynolds number and boundary layer thickness increased, while shear stress, coefficient of friction, and coefficient of drag decreased. Furthermore, increasing Mach number resulted in a decrease in both drag coefficient and boundary layer thickness, although these changes were less significant compared to the effects of density and x location. These findings provide valuable insights for optimizing the design and performance of ramjet inlet spikes under varying operational conditions.
Recommended Citation
Daniel Early and Carson Running. "Breaking the Sound Barrier: Exploring Ramjet Inlet Dynamics" (2024). Mechanical Engineering Student Publications. 2.