
Theses/Dissertations from 1984


An Analysis of a Nonverbal Training Program's Effect Upon Business Communications Students' Sensitivity to Nonverbal Facial Expressions, Larry R. Honl


A Comparison of Perceptions of Selected Germanic Executives to Determine if Case-Study Analysis Education Affects Their Decision-Making Process, Richard L. Painchaud

Theses/Dissertations from 1973


A Survey of Office Education Students in North Dakota to Determine Effectiveness of Lester Hill Office Simulation in Terms of Job Success, Roger E. Mergenthal

Theses/Dissertations from 1970


Selected Major Issues in the Philosophy, Design, and Operation of a Simulated Model Office, L. Wayne Beers


A follow-up study of the 1967, 1968, and 1969 clerical-secretarial graduates of Lake Region Junior College, Devils Lake, North Dakota, with implications for curriculum revision, James E. LaBarre


The Feasibility of Utilizing the Videotape for Improvement of Technique in Number Typewriting, Arlin A. Prochnow

Theses/Dissertations from 1967


Developing and Automating an Accounts Receivable System for the Business Office of the University of North Dakota, Larry G. Widmer

Theses/Dissertations from 1966


A Comparison of the Straight-Copy Skill Scores of Students Who Began Their Training on Electric Typewriters with Students Who Began Training on Non-Electric Typewriters, George O. Parker

Theses/Dissertations from 1964


A Survey of the Extent Office Machines and Filing are being Taught in Minnesota High School Business Education Courses, Betty Lou Brecto

Theses/Dissertations from 1960


A History of Selected Studies in Shorthand Prognosis from 1914 to 1960, Irene R. Tschider

Theses/Dissertations from 1933


An Experiment in Junior Business Training, C. Alfred Christoferson