Statement by Representative Burdick Regarding Problems with the Proposed Garrison Dam Project, October 1, 1945
This statement by United States Representative Usher L. Burdick dated October 1, 1945, regarding the potential problems caused by the proposed Garrison Dam Project states, “All of the controversy on this particular dam has been caused by the Army Engineers themselves. The whole trouble ranges around the height of the dam. If the Dam is built to carry an 1850 foot water lever, then the richest area of land, irrigation projects in and around Williston, and the City of Williston will be flooded.” The letter goes on to state and ask, “We say we will buy lands elsewhere and settle the Indians on that. Where will they buy it? They will have to buy it among the whites and these Indians (sic) lands will not be taxable. Just where will it leave the white settlers on the question of taxes when large portions of their townships are composed of untaxable lands? Have the engineers considered this?”