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In this letter, dated August 26, 1949, from United States Senator William Langer to the Reverend T. W. Strieter of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Chicago, Langer refers to their prior correspondence regarding the case of convicted Nazi war criminal Dr. Martin Sandberger, who is currently awaiting execution.
Langer writes that he has received word from US Senator Joseph R. McCarthy that the Special Senate Investigation Committee has voted unanimously to request that the Inspector General's office review each of the death [sentence] cases, as well as investigate the conditions at Landsberg (misspelled in this letter as "Lansberg") Prison, and that "the Secretary has agreed to hold up all executions until the investigation has been completed and the report rendered, which will probably take several months."
See also:
Letter from Senator Langer to T. W. Strieter Regarding Langer's Forwarding of Martin Sandberger Materials to Senator McCarthy, July 29, 1949
Letter from Senator McCarthy to Senator Langer regarding Martin Sandberger, August 2, 1949
Affidavits Regarding Martin Sandberger, 1948-1949
Einsatzgruppen Case: Opening Statement for Defense - Dr. Mandry for Martin Sandberger, International Military Tribunal
Einsatzgruppen Case: Direct Examination of Martin Sandberger, International Military Tribunal
Einsatzgruppen Case: Redirect Examination (Defense) of Martin Sandberger, International Military Tribunal
Einsatzgruppen Case: Presentation of Evidence (Von Stein for Sandberger), International Military Tribunal
Einsatzgruppen Case: Closing Argument (Summation) (Von Stein for Sandberger), International Military Tribunal
Einsatzgruppen Case: Judgement (and official opinion), International Military Tribunal
Einsatzgruppen Case: Individual Judgements, International Military Tribunal
Einsatzgruppen Case: Sentencing, International Military Tribunal
Date of Work
Martin Sandberger, Einsatzgruppen, World War II, Death Row, Estonia, Massacres, Nazi, Nuremberg, International Military Tribunal, genocide, holocaust, gallows, execution, capital punishment
Organizations Referenced
Inspector General's Office, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Special Senate Investigating Committee, United States Senate
People Referenced
Joseph R. McCarthy, Martin Sandberger, T. W. Strieter, William Langer
Recommended Citation
Langer, William, "Letter from Senator Langer to T. W. Strieter Informing Him of Vote to Review Death Penalty Cases, August 26, 1949" (1949). William Langer Papers. 120.