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This letter, dated December 28, 1945, from United States (US) Senator William Langer to Fort Berthold Agency Superintendent William R. Beyer, call Beyer's attention to a document titled, "Loan Guaranty Provisions of Serviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944," a copy of which was sent to Beyer, and which Langer has been alerted to by Commissioner of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs William A. Brophy. The document in question is a circular sent by Brophy to Agency Superintendents and other other personnel of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs regarding the rights of Native veterans to credit under the US G.I. Bill of Rights. The circular both encourages the utilization of the loan guarantee provisions of the Serviceman's Readjustment act of 1944 and provides information specific to the utilization of those provisions by Native veterans.
Langer writes that "this is a very important matter and for that reason I bring it to your attention again."
See also:
Letter from William A. Brophy to Senator Langer Regarding Native Veterans and the Serviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944, December 17, 1945
Date of Work
Letter from Senator Langer to William R. Beyer Regarding Native Veterans and the Serviceman's Readjustment Act, December 28, 1945
Organizations Referenced
US Department of Veteran's Affairs, US Bureau of Indian Affairs, Veteran's Administration, Fort Berthold Indian Agency
People Referenced
William A. Brophy, William Langer, William R. Beyer
Recommended Citation
Langer, William, "Letter from Senator Langer to William R. Beyer Regarding Native Veterans and the Serviceman's Readjustment Act of 1944, December 28, 1945" (1945). William Langer Papers. 1016.