
Identification #
Undated photograph of the Zion Church in Grand Forks, North Dakota taken by Hoof Studio. Location unknown at the time of this photo.
The history of Zion United Methodist Church is an interesting one. It began life as the Grand Forks Evangelical Class (congregation), became Zion Evangelical United Brethren in 1946, and in 1968 became Zion United Methodist Church when the Evangelical United Brethren and the Methodist Churches merged on April 23, 1968, in Dallas, Texas.
In 1897, a church building was purchased for $2800 from the Congregational Church on the site of today’s Grand Forks City Mission. In 1927 .the church purchased another church building, First Lutheran Church – at the corner of Fourth Street and Belmont (where an apartment house now stands).
In 1958, a city block of land was purchased at 1001 24th Avenue South for $6,000. On June 3, 1962, Ground Breaking Ceremonies were held at the site and on May 5, 1963, the present building was dedicated. Much of the work done on the original church building was with volunteer labor. -Information taken from
Places Depicted
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Organizations Depicted
Zion Church
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks