Identification #
This photo shows Great Northern Railway Depot located in downtown Demers Avenue with people walking and boxes stacked out front. Train tracks run in front of the building, as well. "The Grand Forks Depot is the largest of the three Great Northern depots that Gilbert designed in 1891. The Grand Forks Depot is essentially a two-story building, featuring powerful stone walls with mitered corners, an expansive hip roof, and a Norman-influenced, central clock tower capped with a pyramidal roof. The design is not clearly derived from a single source, although it exhibits a Richardsonian influence. The building still exists, but the tower has been modified." Cited from Cass Gilbert Society (
Construction of the depot on the northern end of Demers Avenue brought back traffic and patronage to the shops in the area. To see the stages of building the depot see
Places Depicted
Great Northern Railway Depot; North Dakota--Grand Forks
Elwin G Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks