Statement of Fact concerning the Fort Berthold Dam site v. the Garrison Dam site presented by The Indian People of Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. The statement concerns Congress's authorizat..
Statement of Fact concerning the Fort Berthold Dam site v. the Garrison Dam site presented by The Indian People of Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota. The statement concerns Congress's authorization for the construction of five dams on the Missouri river across North Dakota and South Dakota. The statement headlines involve: impending losses, alternate offers of plans and dam locations, prohibition of money for the Garrison Dam construction according to section 6 of the act of May 2, 1946, War Department offer of lieu lands, losses sustained to North Dakota and to the United States, and a remedy. The War Departments decline of offer letter sent by J.A. Kava, Secretary of the Interior, is included. The statement is a gathering of facts and argument presented by Fort Berthold Reservation to the opposition of the Garrison Dam construction. See also: Fort Berthold Dam Site v. The Garrison Dam Site Statement of Fact and Law. Amended and Extended