Document Type

News Article

Publication Date



Grand Forks Herald


Authorship; Frost; Anniversaries; Newspapers; Editorials--Authorship; Governors; Industrial management; Winter; Elections; Election districts; Pharmacists; Pioneers; Farmers; Cooking (Chicken); Geese--Breeding; Ducks--Breeding; Hunters; Food supply; Sports; Buffaloes; Whites; Frontier and pioneer life; Agriculture; Prairies; Weather forecasting; Poetry; Clergy; Hospital buildings; Abandoned buildings; Fall foliage; Maple; Hardwoods; Edible mushrooms; Fairs; Newspaper publishing; Farm produce; Exhibitions; Baked products; Needlework; Poultry--Exhibitions; Cattle--Showing; Bicycle racing; Horse racing; Advertising; Underwear; Sport clothes; Thanksgiving Day; Holidays; Educators; Plants--Research; Botany; Coins, French; Coins--Collectors and collecting; College presidents; Signal lights

Corporate Subjects

United States. Works Progress Administration; University of North Dakota

Personal Subjects

Wheeler, Henry Mason (1854-1930); Campbell, Thomas, 1777-1844; McHugh, Patrick; McMillan, Dan H.; Moodie, Thomas Hilliard, (1878-1948); Cushing, Walter F., (1857-1935); Lindstrom, A. E.; Forkner, Mark I.; Groom, B. E.; Forkner, Dick; Franta, Edward J., 1906-1988; Cavileer, Charles Turner; Fox, E. J.; Close, H. E.; Olsen, Richarda; Olsen, Christian A.; Andrieux, Joseph L., (1882-1960); Macdonald, Donald C., (1891-1969); Young, W. A.; Knudson, A.; Booker, L. E.; Thompson, Hugh; Gibbs, L. B.; Lyons, H. R.; Titus, S. S.; Hougan, T.; McLaurin, D. P.; Beecher, D. H.; Lat, Geo. D.; Gotzian, Henry; Hopkins, O. M.; Kellogg, Geo. W.; Spriggs William; Whithed, H. L.; Lasham, W. R.; Trepanier, C. P.; Fulton, F. R.; Corbet, Burke; Iddings, F. W.; McGowan, M. H.; Young, O.; Pringle, W. H.; Burr, W. H.; Holmes, David M. (1851-1884); Upson, E. M.; Ackerman, William; Mills, Joe D.; Griffith, Robert B., 1856-; Collins, Stephen; Wilder, F. W.; Appel, A.; Cochrane, John M. (John McDowell), 1859-1904; Mapes, E.; Stewart, Daniel; Fegan, W. W., (1856-); Rand, Chas.; Haseltine, E. W.; Birkholtz, John; Platky, Geo.; Scott, J. W.; Winship, George Bailey, 1847-1931; Wilder, W. L.; Beare, Thomas Wheeler, Henry Mason (1854-1930); Engstad, John E., 1858-1937; Jacobi, E. R.; Corliss, Guy Carleton Haynes, 1858-1937; McLaughlin, S. W.; Adams, M. L.; Hanauer, Sig; Cooper, E. C.; Bugle, William; Templeton, C. F.; Bye, P. J.; Spence, W. H.; Conaty, E. J.; Perry, W. F.; Davis, D. F.; Abrahamsen, A.; Moses, John, 1885-1945; Pfeiffer, Norman; Foley, James W. (James William), 1874-1939; Jackson, I. L.; West, James M.; West, John C.; Bjorndahl, K. N.; Bliss, Paul Southworth, 1889-1940; Mealy, J. J.; Nye, Gerald Prentice, 1892-1971

Geographic Subjects

North Dakota--Cavalier County; North Dakota--Langdon; North Dakota--Pembina County; United States--Dakota Territory; North Dakota--Olga; North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota--Bottineau; North America--Red River Valley (Minnesota and North Dakota and Manitoba); North Dakota--Drayton; North Dakota--Pembina; Minnesota--East Grand Forks; Minnesota--Moorhead; North Dakota--Medora; North Dakota--Cavalier; North Dakota--Edinburg; North Dakota--Hettinger; North Dakota--Reynolds


Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota

Included in

Communication Commons
