Submissions from 2015
Some Comments on Cavenagh, Costelloe, Davis, and Howell (2015), Manish Rami
Using the CSD Education Survey Data for Program Evaluation: Two Case Studies, Manish Rami and Sarah Robinson
Submissions from 2014
Intensive group therapy might be considered for older teenagers who stutter, Manish Rami
Submissions from 2009
Some Comments on Lohman (2008), Manish Rami
Submissions from 2005
The Effect of Reading with Reversed Speech on Frequency of Stuttering in Adults, Manish Rami and Elisa Diederich
Choral Reading with Filtered Speech: Effect on Stuttering, Manish Rami, Joseph Kalinowski, Michael P. Rastatter, Donald Holbert, and Mark Allen
Submissions from 2003
Self-Perceptions of speech language pathologists-in-training before and after pseudostuttering experiences on the telephone, Manish Rami, Joseph Kalinowski, Andrew Stuart, and Michael P. Rastatter
Submissions from 1999
Voice onset times and burst frequencies of four velar stop consonants in Gujarati, Manish Rami, Joseph Kalinowski, Andrew Stuart, and Michael P. Rastatter