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In this paper factors that contribute to support for gay marriage are examined in two countries, Italy and Spain. Diffusion theory was applied to explore this idea. This research seeks to explore whether the legalization of gay marriage has an impact on the level of support for gay marriage in that country. Furthermore, this research is important to determine what factors contribute to shaping support for gay marriage. From there it may also be possible to identify where prejudices against gay marriage might come from. Personal attitudes towards support for gay marriage can vary due to a variety of factors. Data was collected from individuals of all ages living in Italy and Spain (N=2024). The variables of age, sex, level of education, importance of religion, and political lean were considered. It was found that age, sex, level of education, and importance of religion all had a significant relationship with level of support for gay marriage in both countries. Ultimately it was found that there was a higher percentage of people supporting gay marriage in Spain where gay marriage is legal than in Italy where gay marriage is not legal. Created in SOC 475: Sociology Capstone with Daphne Pedersen.

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Grand Forks, ND


gay, marriage, Italy, Spain




Presented at the Fall 2024 UNDergraduate Showcase in Grand Forks, ND, December 12, 2024.

Support for Gay Marriage in Italy and Spain: Public Perceptions in the Context of Legalization

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Sociology Commons
