
Date of Work
Identification #
UAP 10004
View of the laying of the cornerstone at the University of North Dakota. O.S. Clifford, Grand Master of the Masonic Order of Dakota, was to lay the cornerstone. There are several buggies, being one wicker, and wagons pulled by horses. There is a large crowd of people, which included Governor Nehemiah H. Ordway, standing on a platform with a small marching band playing music in the back right corner. On the back left side are some walls under construction and scattered piles of wood all around. Ground was broken for Main, the first University building, on May 23, 1883. The cornerstone was laid with impressive ceremony on October 2, 1883 at the southeast corner of the largest part of the building. This was to be the first of a series of buildings of identical plan and appearance. This plan was never carried out. The building was completed and occupied on September 8, 1884.
Cornerstone; Old Main; Main; Merrifield Hall; Fashion-clothing; Music; Masonic Band; Wicker Buggy; Wagons; Horses; Clothing and dress; Carriages and carts; Horses; Wagons; Cornerstone laying; Crowds; Grasses
Places Depicted
North Dakota--Grand Forks
Organizations Depicted
Merrifield Hall (Grand Forks, N.D.); University of North Dakota
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota