
Date of Work
Identification #
UAP 5675
A winter photograph of a sleigh pulled by horses outside of Merrifield Hall in November, 1958. UND began construction on the Liberal Arts Building in 1928, and students occupied it beginning September 1929. At the 1930 Founder's Day, the building was formally named Merrifield Hall. The building contained lecture rooms, recitation rooms, and department offices for the College of Arts. Prior to this, Old Main had also been known as Merrifield Hall from 1912-1930. (Information from Chandler's History of All Buildings, pg 24, and University Publications)
Merrifield Hall; Webster Merrifield; Liberal Arts Building; Sleigh; Horses; College buildings; Snow; Winter; College students; Horses; Sleighs
Places Depicted
North Dakota--Grand Forks
Organizations Depicted
Merrifield Hall (Grand Forks, N.D.); University of North Dakota. College of Arts and Sciences
People Depicted
Merrifield, Webster, 1852-1916
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota