
Date of Work
Summer 1964
Identification #
UAP 2952
President George Starcher, left, and Wilson Laird right, stand with geology students near the head of a triceratops dinosaur. Charles Frye, a UND student, discovered the dinosaur while mapping the area around Marmarth. The site of the dinosaur was 15 miles north of Marmarth, ND or about 85 miles southwest of Dickinson. UND's Geology Department displays the triceratops head in Leonard Hall.
Triceratops; President George Starcher; Wilson Laird; Marmarth; North Dakota; Geology Department; Dinosaur Excavation; Dinosaurs; College presidents; Fossils - Collection and preservation; Excavation; Paleontology; Triceratops; College students
Places Depicted
North Dakota--Grand Forks; North Dakota
Organizations Depicted
University of North Dakota
People Depicted
Starcher, George William, 1906-; Laird, Wilson M. (Wilson Morrow), 1915-1997
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota