
Date of Work
Identification #
UAP 11157
Frederick H. Koch received a Master's Degree from Harvard, and UND hired him as an Instructor in English (1905-1906), Assistant Professor of Public Speaking (1906-1907), Dramatic Literature and Oratory (1907-1945), and as an Associate Professor of Dramatic Literature (1915-1918). He left UND for the University of North Carolina in 1918 and received an honorary Doctorate of Literature degree from UND in 1935. Koch was also the founder of the Sock and Buskin Dramatic Society in 1910. This society introduced a strong tradition of quality theatre to UND. Sock and Buskin held regular bi-weekly meetings where students "enthusiastically united in critical analysis of dramatic productions." (Information from: 1914 Annual)
Frederick Koch; Drama; Faculty; Sock and Buskin Society; College teachers; English teachers; Men; English literature; Suits (Clothing)
Places Depicted
North Dakota; North Dakota--Grand Forks
Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota