Date of Award


Document Type



Physical Therapy

First Advisor

Mark Romanick


Spinal hemangioblastoma, cervical laminectomy, fusion, post-operative quadriparesis, Physical therapy,


Background and Purpose: Spinal hemangioblastoma are benign tumors that compress the surface of the spinal cord. Surgical resection of the hemangioblastoma with a posterior cervical laminectomy and fusion technique is one treatment option. This form of treatment can lead to poor outcomes such as post-operative quadriparesis although rare. The following case study depicts physical therapy interventions use to treat a patient with post-operative quadriparesis for posterior laminectomy and fusion of C6-T2.

Case Description: The patient was a 77-year-old female with complex past medical history and multiple comorbidities. She received inpatient physical therapy for 31 days before transferring to a skilled nursing facility. Interventions: Physical therapy interventions included traditional lower extremity strengthening exercises, gait training, and functional task training.

Outcomes: The patient made improvements towards her goals and demonstrated reduced dependence with the use of adaptative equipment. However, she was unable to achieve her main goal to return to her prior level of function and previous living environment.

Discussion: The patient made advancements during her inpatient physical therapy treatments but was unable to regain functional independence during her stay. She also reported improved quality of life on the outcome measures. However, further research is needed for a better ix understanding of effective treatment interventions and favorable outcomes with this patient population.