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• Introduction: Preeclampsia during pregnancy warrants therapy with low dose aspirin. The purpose of this review is to investigate if these women are at increased future risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and if aspirin therapy prevents future cardiovascular events.

• Research Questions: Do women who had preeclampsia during pregnancy have increased future cardiovascular morbidity and mortality? • Does continued aspirin use in postpartum women, who had preeclampsia during pregnancy; decrease future cardiovascular morbidity and mortality?

• Research Methods: Literature review was conducted utilizing CINAHL, Dynamed plus and PubMed databases.

• Discussion: Many studies have found that preeclampsia does increase risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, but this difference is not statistically significant until later decades in life. There is also new evidence that the risks of bleeding from prophylactic aspirin therapy outweigh the benefit of decreasing cardiovascular and ischemic events. Based on this information, it is prudent to further research and study this group and stratify their risk as well as researching if there is a better modality upon which to provide prophylaxis with lower risk than benefit.


Physician Assistant Studies

Degree Name

Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS)

Publication Date



Aspirin; Preeclampsia; Effect on endothelium; post- partum; future cardiovascular risk


Cardiovascular Diseases | Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications

Aspirin Use Following Preeclampsia to Prevent Future Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes
