Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2021

Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Program Affiliation

Nurse Educator (NE)

First Advisor

Patricia L. Parker


The field of nursing education has undergone massive changes in the context of COVID-19. Healthcare systems shifted to take care of an influx of patients, personal protective equipment shortages arose, and fear of transmission of the virus contributed to many nursing programs quickly transitioning to online instruction. These quick shifts leave many questions about the quality of education nursing students are currently experiencing. Although data may not yet be available to examine the effects of COVID-19 on nursing education, much can be learned by reviewing relevant literature published since the pandemic’s onset. This literature review describes changes to nursing education caused by COVID-19, including policy changes, healthcare shifts, regulatory and practice changes, changes to instruction of nursing students, and the personal effects of adapting to these changes felt by students and faculty. This state of nursing may be used as groundwork for interpreting forthcoming data relating to patient care outcomes, new nursing graduate performance, and nurse and faculty burnout. By understanding what has taken place, we may be able to make more informed decisions about which changes to nursing education have added value, and which should revert back to the status quo.

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Nursing Commons