Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2021

Document Type

Independent Study

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Program Affiliation

Nurse Educator (NE)

First Advisor

Patricia L. Parker


Incivility in nursing education is a growing occurrence that is shown to have profound negative effects on the entire nursing profession. This is a cycle that starts in nursing school and left unchecked carries forward into the workplace. Uncivil behavior is experienced by students, faculty, and peers. A thorough literature review was conducted to describe incivility that occurs in the classroom and possible interventions that allow for improved conditions for nurse educators and nursing students. One study conducted in the university setting using a mixed study design indicated various possible causes including students pay for their education, so this gives them the right to be rude, faculty take out their problems on students, and stress to name a few. Solutions offered include but are not limited to setting boundaries, improving university policies, support facility, and enforcement of codes of conduct. Evidence suggests that a common theme is the negative consequences that incivility in the classroom has on the learning process. Further research is warranted to find interventions that will empower nurse educators to make a positive difference in the nursing classroom.

Included in

Nursing Commons