"Letter from Thomas MacDonald to Senator Langer Regarding Road from Los" by Thomas MacDonald



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This letter dated May 23, 1951, from Commissioner of United States (US) Department of Public Roads to US Senator William Langer, refers to a letter and clipping Langer received, and forwarded to MacDonald, from Dr. D. B. Ditzlaugh, Chairperson of Roads for the town of Killdeer, North Dakota (ND). In Ditzlaugh's letter, Ditzlaugh asks for assistance in getting a road built from the Lost Bridge to Dickenson, ND.

In MacDonald's reply, he explains that while one section of the proposed road is included in the federal system plan approved for ND, the state has not included any work in this road in its own plans. Another section of this road is not included in the federal plan.

MacDonald urges that Ditzlaugh and other interested parties contact the ND State Highway Department regarding the proposed highway.

See also:

Telegram from D. B. Ditzlaugh to Senator Langer Regarding Road From Lost Bridge to Dickinson, May 9, 1951

Letter from H. Tobias to Senator Langer Regarding Road to Lost Bridge, May 23, 1951

Date of Work



The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, roads, transportation, Lost Bridge

Organizations Referenced

The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish,

People Referenced

William Langer, Thomas MacDonald, D. B. Ditzlaugh

Letter from Thomas MacDonald to Senator Langer Regarding Road from Lost Bridge to Dickenson, May 23, 1951
