"United States of America vs. Certain Lands and Improvements in McLean," by US District Courts and Charles J. Vogel



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This judgment, rendered July 17, 1953, by United States (US) District Court Judge Charles Vogel in the case of United States of America vs. Certain Lands and Improvements in McLean, Dunn, McKenzie and Mercer Counties, North Dakota; Rufus B. Stevenson et al., and Unknown Owners, Civil 2386, details amounts to be paid by the US government to a group of owners for their properties and improvements taken by the US government under the terms of Public Law 81-437, also known as the Taking Act, in order to make way for the construction of the Garrison Dam and reservoir.

The judgement explains the process leading to this civil action, which entails the owners rejecting the initial valuations of the properties and their improvements and subsequently accepting adjusted valuations, and lists the final amounts determined for each property that is part of the judgment.

See also:

An Act to Vest Title to Certain Lands of the Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota, in the United States, and to Provide Compensation Therefor

Petition from Former Elbowoods Residents to Senator Langer Requesting Payment for Taken Properties, June 25, 1953; Letter from J. Edward Williams to Senator Langer Regarding Civil Case No. 2386, July 29, 1953

Date of Work



Civil Case 2386, Civil 2386, 2386, condemnation, Elbowoods, petition, Garrison Dam, Taking Act, PL 437, Public Law 437, Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish, land seizure, land taking, taking

Organizations Referenced

Mandan Hidatsa and Arikara Nation, The Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, Mandan, Nueta, Hidatsa, Arikara, Sahnish,

People Referenced

Rufus B. Stevenson, Anna Hall, Gladys Ripley, Carl Whitman Jr., Carl Whitman, Albert Whitman, , Mrs. Leonard Beauchamp, Marion Whitman, Regina Schanandore, Regina Josephine Whitman, Grace Medicine Crow, Albert White Calf, Alice Old Dog, Myrtle Old Dog, Benedictino M. Bears Tail, Martin Cross, Margaret Hall, Elizabeth Packineau, Paul Parshall, Alfred S. Smith, Thomas Spotted Wolf, Louis Brown, Allen Horn, Charles Crow Heart, Julia Hunts Along, Lee Old Mouse, Lizzie Gillette, August Little Soldier, Burton B. Bell, James Foote, Jack Lone Fight Sr., Violiet Lone Fight, Inez Bird Bear, Benjamin Grinnell, Josephine Grinnell, Perpetua Grinnell, Regina Grinnell, Rita Grinnell, Richard Grinnell, Maggie Old Dog Grinnell, George Grinnell Jr., Cecelia Grinnell, Edward Hall, Anna Hall, Emma Lockwood Jones, Adele F. Young Bear, Carlyle Sylvester Page, Nathan Little Soldier, Theodore Gillette, Mary Fox, Rose Nagle Fournier, Margaret Brugh, Philip Atkins, Floyd Montclair, May Smith, Laura Irwin, Benedict Heart, Willis Two Crows, John Bears Tail, August Newman, Vincent Malnouri, Joseph Packineau Jr., Clarence Perkins, Amelia Spotted Wolf, Elsie Spotted Wolf, Elsie Foote, Eugene Jimmie Brugh, Margaret Harney, Mary Birds Bill Fox, Charles Fredericks, Charles Vogel


Political History | United States History

United States of America vs. Certain Lands and Improvements in McLean, Dunn, McKenzie and Mercer Counties, North Dakota; Rufus B. Stevenson et al., and Unknown Owners, Civil 2386, July 17, 1953
