"Letter from Attorney General Langer to Hinegardner Regarding Motion to" by Attorney General



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In this letter, dated September 23, 1919, from North Dakota (ND) Attorney General William Langer to L. H. Hinegardner, of Sarles, ND, Langer explains that his office filed a motion to dismiss the case of State vs. Stepp because, he says, "we thought they were fooling along too much." Langer references an enclosed copy of the affidavit, and assures Hinegardner that his office is doing everything they can to expedite the case. He also makes reference to a letter from Clerk of Court, North Dakota Supreme Court, indicating that the dismissal motion was denied.

See also:

Letter from Attorney General Langer to E. L. D** Regarding Denial of Motion to Dismiss in State v. Stepp Case, September 23, 1919

Letter from Attorney General Langer to S. L. Nuchols Regarding State v. Stepp Case, September 23, 1919

Date of Work



State v. Stepp, State vs. Stepp, ND Supreme Court, rape, statutory rape

Organizations Referenced

Supreme Court of the North Dakota

People Referenced

L. H. Hinegardner, William Langer, Hiram Step


Political History | United States History


Please note that information related to the identification of the underage victim in this case has been redacted from the digital collection per library policy. The original documents are available to researchers at the Chester Fritz Special Collections Library.

Letter from Attorney General Langer to Hinegardner Regarding Motion to Dismiss in State v. Stepp Case, September 23, 1919
