"Letter from Attorney General Langer to W. J. Kneeshaw Regarding Compla" by William Langer


William Langer



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In this letter, dated February 14, 1919, from North Dakota (ND) Attorney General William Langer to Judge Kneeshaw, Langer refers to complaints he has received from various parties regarding the handling of a case in Sarles, ND involving allegations of statutory rape against Hiram Stepp. Langer encloses letters from the D** family and Sarles village marshall Alvah Phillebaum, and asks Kneeshaw to read them and advise him on whether to have G. Grimson re-arrest Mr. Stepp.

The letters referred to as enclosed are not included with this letter, but are linked below.

See also:

Letter from G. Grimson to Attorney General Langer Regarding Initial Proceedings in Stepp Case, January 18, 1919

Statement of Ernest and Matilda D** Regarding Initial Proceedings in Stepp Case, February 10, 1919

Letter from Sarles, ND Village Marshal Alvah Phillebaum to Attorney General Langer, February 10, 1919

Letter from L. F. Hinegardner to Attorney General Langer Accompanying Statement from Mr. and Mrs. D**, February 10, 1919

Letter from L. F. Hinegardner to Attorney General Langer regarding the Stepp Case, February 24, 1919

Date of Work



State v. Stepp, rape, statutory rape

People Referenced

Ernest D**, Matilda D**, Ms. D**, G. Grimson, Hiram Stepp, W. J. Kneeshaw, Porter


Political History | United States History


Please note that information related to the identification of the underage victim in this case has been redacted from the digital collection per library policy. The original documents are available to researchers at the Chester Fritz Special Collections Library.

Letter from Attorney General Langer to W. J. Kneeshaw Regarding Complaints about Handling of State v. Stepp Case, February 14, 1919
