"Letter from S. A. Smith to Attorney General Langer Regarding Captured " by S. A. Smith



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Letter dated October 23, 1918 from Golden County Sheriff S. A. Smith to North Dakota (ND) Attorney General William Langer reporting that Smith has caught two men coming in from New Salem, ND with "booze." He writes that he turned the two men over to the U.S. Marshall's Office. Smith explains that he has incurred a lot of expenses related to the case and asks if he has permission to send Langer a bill.

See also:

Letter from Assistant Attorney General Edward Cox to S. A. Smith Regarding Expense Reimbursement, October 26, 1918

Date of Work



Prohibition, Bootlegging, Beach, Golden Valley County, New Salem

Organizations Referenced

U.S. Marshall's Office

People Referenced

S. A. Smith, Mr. Hildacth, Mr. Hildaeth


Political History | United States History

Letter from S. A. Smith to Attorney General Langer Regarding Captured Bootleggers, Reimbursement of Expenses, October 23, 1918
