"Letter from Senator McCarthy to Senator Langer regarding Martin Sandbe" by Joseph R. McCarthy



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In this letter, dated February 28, 1950, from United States (US) Senator Joseph R. McCarthy to US Senator William Langer, McCarthy refers to the case of convicted Nazi war criminal Martin Sandberger, who is currently awaiting execution.

McCarthy explains to Langer that there will likely be no investigation of the Nuremberg cases and that he assumes executions will be held shortly. In closing he characterizes the Nuremberg trials as a "sorry spectacle" in connection with "alleged American justice," commenting that, "while we may have caught some bad individuals in the net, it was purely accidental."

See also:

Letter from Senator Langer to Senator McCarthy Forwarding Documents Regarding Martin Sandberger from Reverend Strieter, February 24, 1950

Affidavits Regarding Martin Sandberger, 1948-1949

Einsatzgruppen Case: Opening Statement for Defense - Dr. Mandry for Martin Sandberger, International Military Tribunal

Einsatzgruppen Case: Direct Examination of Martin Sandberger, International Military Tribunal

Einsatzgruppen Case: Redirect Examination (Defense) of Martin Sandberger, International Military Tribunal

Einsatzgruppen Case: Presentation of Evidence (Von Stein for Sandberger), International Military Tribunal

Einsatzgruppen Case: Closing Argument (Summation) (Von Stein for Sandberger), International Military Tribunal

Einsatzgruppen Case: Judgement (and official opinion), International Military Tribunal

Einsatzgruppen Case: Individual Judgements, International Military Tribunal

Einsatzgruppen Case: Sentencing, International Military Tribunal

Date of Work



Martin Sandberger, Einsatzgruppen, World War II, Death Row, Estonia, Massacres, Nazi, Nuremberg, International Military Tribunal, genocide, holocaust, gallows, execution, capital punishment

Organizations Referenced

United State Senate Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments

People Referenced

William Langer, Joseph R. McCarthy, Martin Sandberger, T. W. Strieter


Political History | United States History

Letter from Senator McCarthy to Senator Langer regarding Martin Sandberger Case, February 28, 1950
