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This assignment is intended to students develop digital literacy and social work skills by creating a social work case note using ChatGPT, Claude, or a similar AI software. By using the software, creating the note, and reflecting on the process, students will learn to: 1. appropriately integrate advanced AI technology into their work as helping professionals, 2. analyze the benefits and limits of AI usage (along with ethical considerations), 3. create a case note that is clear, concise, and comprehensive, and 4. evaluate the role of social demographics on individual well-being. The assignment is for a 200-level course, a prerequisite to the Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) professional degree.

Course Level

Intro level, Intermediate Undergrads

Student Learning Outcomes

Information Literacy

Other Learning Outcomes

Digital Information Literacy

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License
